sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2009

INFERTILE - Manifestação Preliminar da ACCD

O Time vem fazendo a lição de casa e se mantendo em contato com a Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs sobre os questionamentos que vem sendo levantados sobre o produto em questão.
Veja a íntegra da manifestação:
Gostaríamos de destacar os seguintes trechos, extraídos do statement, conforme visitado no endereço eletrônico acima em 27.03.09:

"• The instructions for use of Infertile include recommendation of analgesic use for post-injection pain management. However, it is believed that most dogs do not experience pain as a result of the injections."
"• Infertile contains a very small amount of DMSO. DMSO is known to have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anti-bacterial qualities when used topically. However, questions remain about what affects DMSO might have when injected. ACC&D will continue to explore this question."
"•The makers of Infertile have stated that over 100 dogs were included in studies to develop the product. However, only two studies (in which the product was used in 16 dogs) have been published. Though we consider this a reasonable sample size to demonstrate effectiveness for this product (because sterility is a clear 'all or nothing' end point), it is an unusually small number of dogs in order to demonstrate safety. Standards in the U.S. generally require pivotal safety and effectiveness studies to include at least 100 dogs in a field setting. This allows for variations in dog sizes and breeds." (GRIFOS NOSSOS.)
Recomendamos a leitura atenta do documento.
O Time do Tigor

Um comentário:

Gata Lili disse...

Passando para deixar um beijo.....tem promoção no blog.... bom final de semana.